
Showing posts from 2014

First Lines

The question that often plagues beginners is how to start a novel? Where do you begin? What is the first line? Graham Greene said it best in The End of the Affair ‘A story has no beginning or end; arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead.’ This is a good starting point. One thing you can be sure of as a writer is that the first line you write now is going to change many times before you are satisfied. It will evolve with time. As the novel progresses you will discover your voice, you will find what it is that you wish to tell the reader. What is the essence of your novel? What is the fundamental question? It has to be a hook that will draw the reader into your story. Tip: Get books off your bookshelves and read all the first lines of the novels you like. At the very least they will inspire you. No one can come up with your first line, but it helps to be inspired. My favourite first lines: A Suitable Bo...

My Soliloquy

A blog is like a soliloquy - an actor speaks on stage. The audience listens. I clearly do not possess the oratorical skill of a Shakespearean character, so I take resort to writing down my thoughts in a blog. Mark Anthony's famous line in Julius Caesar, 'Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears' has resonated in my brain since I read the play in school. I would love to go on the world's stage, the internet, and give powerful, rousing speeches to anyone who is listening but I think I will restrain myself to shorter posts which record my writing journey and share a tip or two.