Penultimate stop on my writer's journey

Having just won the 2015 Annual Debut Novel Competition with Cinnamon Press and bagging a promise of publication in early 2017, I feel elated but mostly relieved at having nearly reached my final stop. 'Under The Pipal Tree' is going to be out there! A scary thought - I feel as if I'm suspended at the top of a ride looking down - my heart, simultaneously thumping with excitement and plummeting with fear.

It has been an incerdibly long journey but I wouldn't have done it any other way. No short cuts for me. I needed to learn the hard way. Years of practising my craft, on my own, trying to find my voice has not been a waste of time. For some, ten to fiteen years seem too long to achieve their dreams. Imagine this as your Mona Lisa, would you print and sell your first tentative sketches or wait for that magic moment when despite bucket loads of self-doubt you think 'that's not too bad'? I am not the sort of person who is filled with confidence about my art. I need someone else to read my work and validate it. Jan Fortune at Cinnamon Press once told me that those writers who feel they've got there never do but the ones who doubt themselves are the ones who eventually get there.

Perhaps doubting oneself is good. It leaves you open to learning, perfecting, tweaking and lots and lots of rewrites.

I know a daunting year of working with an editor to polish my manuscript lies ahead, but for the moment it feels good to have my dream realised, to be picked as a winner, for someone else to think the novel has been worth the wait.

Next stop. Publication.


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